
The Minions

Directed by: Kyle Balda, Pierre Coffin

Cinema program "The Minions" in Kraków

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Movie poster Minionki
Original title: The Minions
Runtime: 104 min.
Production: USA , 2015
Category: animation / family / comedy
Release Date: 26 June 2015
Distribution: UIP

Directed by: Kyle Balda, Pierre Coffin
Cast: Chris Renaud, Pierre Coffin, Sandra Bullock

The film takes us into the past, so that we will know the history of Minionków - from the dawn of history to the time when their lives came to Dec. Minionki always need a bad leader, now serving T. Rex, Genghis Khan, Napoleon, and even Count Dracula, except that ... all of them accidentally zgładziły. Now, when you do not have to serve whom are plunged in despair. Minionki Kevin, Bob and Stuart desperately searching for evil, carried across the world. Along the way they dethrone Queen Elizabeth II and find ourselves in the strangest adventures. In Florida, during a secret convention criminals know Scarlett Overkill (original version voiced her Sandra Bullock), the first in history as a black female character. In it all hope.

Text: Cinema Kiev

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Movie trailer: The Minions

Your comments

Miiii 21. June 2015, 8:17

Sama zajawka jest śmieszna mam nadzieję że film będzie jeszcze śmieszniejszy :)

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